welcome to king's official calligraphy club page!
in the khs calligraphy club, we focus on building a positive and uplifting community in which artists of all experiences are welcome. together, we learn more about calligraphy techniques and share our own tips and tricks along the way! joining the calligraphy club is an easy way to earn creative and service hours, as well as pick up and improve upon a new hobby! read below to see what we do & how you can join us :)
how to join:
click the button below to register for the calligraphy club!
what we do:
learn how to do calligraphy for beginners
improve upon your calligraphy regardless of your experience
receive free stationery products to continue practicing
share your own tips, tricks, and techniques
earn creative hours
earn service hours by applying your knowledge to create posters & cards
become an officer:
interested in becoming an officer?
click below to find more information and the officer application.
contact information:
please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any questions or concerns!
officer information:
the khs calligraphy club is currently looking for officers! we want individuals that are creative at heart and are willing to put forth the effort to effectively lead our team. we are looking for leaders that already have some experience in calligraphy, but are willing to improve their own skills as well as help teach others. if you are interested in becoming an officer, please fill out the application below.
the available officer positions you can apply for include:
vice president of administration- responsible for helping the president, communicating with school administration, and planning events.
vice president of communication- is in charge of managing social media, conveying important information to the members, and establishing an effective line of communication between the members and officers.
secretary- is expected to plan and execute both member and officer meetings, keep track of ideas discussed within the meetings, and plan ahead for future topics that need to be addressed.
treasurer- responsible for collecting any necessary membership dues, and finding the best resources for purchasing supplies for our club.
officer applications are due by:
friday, september 3rd
first club meeting information:
our first club meeting is on
Monday, December 7th, 2020 at 3PM!
zoom meeting info has been emailed :) dm if you don't have it for some reason!
we are excited to see you all at our first club meeting! here is a list of topics that will be addressed at the meeting, as well as some links to resources provided at the meeting :)
welcoming the participants
introduction of sponsor and officers
brief introduction about the club: goals, interests, ideas, etc.
future events being planned
addressing any questions
asking the participants: what do you most look forward to in this club? any goals or specific expectations?
sponsor- ms. hall
president- zainab lokhandwala
vice president of administration- shreya venkat
vice president of communication- astha patel
secretary- nandini kumar
treasurer- anvi sharma